Unit of measure & not allowed for oil or natural gas quantities

Message type: E = Error

Message class: O3 - IS-Oil: HPM messages (goods movements, QCI, deliveries)

Message number: 077

Message text: Unit of measure & not allowed for oil or natural gas quantities

What causes this issue?

You have entered a unit of measure that does not belong to one of these
dimensions: volume, mass, energy or dimensionless. For these
dimensions, standard code has been developed by SAP for the conversion
process within the Quantity Conversion Interface (QCI). If you need to
perform a conversion between quantities that have units of measure with
different dimensions, you have to write a BADI implementation for this

How to fix this error?

Choose a unit of measure that is linked to one of the dimensions listed
above or write an implementation for the conversion using transaction
this method, an example implementation is delivered with IS OIL Service
Pack 2, 4.6C and subsequent releases.

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.