Item & of purchasing document & does not exist in system (no check)

Message type: E = Error

Message class: MN - Message class for subsequent settlement (Purchasing)

Message number: 330

Message text: Item & of purchasing document & does not exist in system (no check)

What causes this issue?

Item &V1& of purchasing document &V2& is to be checked with regard to
update of subsequent business volume data for a condition record for
rebate arrangement &V3&.
The item could be relevant here, but the item no longer exists in the

System Response

The check and possible update of business volume data cannot be carried
The data created may be incomplete.

How to fix this error?

Check the business volume data for arrangement &V3&.
If necessary, contact your system administrator.
Possible causes:

The system issues an error message and will not allow you to continue with this transaction until the error is resolved.

Hardware or software error
Internal program error (document not imported to internal buffer)
The condition record has (internal) number &V4&.

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.