Tax code (tax-exempt transaction) missing for company code &

Message type: E = Error

Message class: MN - Message class for subsequent settlement (Purchasing)

Message number: 313

Message text: Tax code (tax-exempt transaction) missing for company code &

What causes this issue?

Tax calculation using the tax jurisdiction code is active for company
code &V1&.
In this case, the updating of business volumes for supplier rebate
arrangements in <DS:GLOS.3526C095AFAB52B9E10000009B38F974>subsequent
settlement</> is effected with the tax code for non-taxable transactions
(input tax) for the company code.
The tax code for non-taxable transactions (input tax) has not been
maintained for company code &V1&.

System Response

Business volume data cannot be updated.

&WHAT_TO_DO& (system administrator)
Enter the missing data in Customizing and post the missing data using
the "Subsequent business volume data" function.
<ds:SIMG.SIMG_CFMENUORFBOBCL>Assign non-taxable transactions to company
The relevant condition record has the (internal) number &V2&.

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.