Archiving (&1), summary record does not exist for info structure &2

Message type: E = Error

Message class: O1 - IS-Oil : Message pool exchanges

Message number: 561

Message text: Archiving (&1), summary record does not exist for info structure &2

DEFINE &RELTXT& = '"Archiving reload function"'
DEFINE &DELTXT& = '"Archiving delete function"'

What causes this issue?

Missing summary record during &RELTXT&.
During the "delete function" of archiving the summary record was built
for specified key combination. If the archived data should be reloaded
later, the summary record should be update. The reason for the missing
summary record can be, that an older version of archiving data should
be restored into the database. This old version data were archived with
an older version of archiving programs, which doesn't create the
summary record at the time of &DELTXT&.
The update was attempted with the following key (only a part):
&V3& &V4&

System Response

Information during &RELTXT& of info structures.

How to fix this error?

Reload ALL already archived data if you want to use the summary record
functionality and repeat the archiving for this data
OR ignore this message if you don't interested in summary information
about old (already archived) data

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.