No auth. for rebate arrs. &1, pur. org. &2, pur. group &3, sett. type &4

Message type: E = Error

Message class: MN - Message class for subsequent settlement (Purchasing)

Message number: 293

Message text: No auth. for rebate arrs. &1, pur. org. &2, pur. group &3, sett. type &4

What causes this issue?

Through the selection parameters of the report, you have also chosen
rebate arrangements belonging to
<GL><GL:purchasing_organization>purchasing organization</> &V2&<(>,<)>
<GL><GL:purchasing_group>purchasing group</> &V3&<(>,<)>
<GL><GL:arrangement_type>arrangement type</> &V4&.
You have no authorization to process (&V1&) rebate arrangements
corresponding to the above data.
&V1& means create, change, display

System Response

Arrangements corresponding to the above data were not selected and are
missing from the list output.

How to fix this error?

Check whether you really wish to process rebate arrangements for the
purchasing organization, purchasing group, and arrangement type
specified above.
If necessary, contact your system administrator and ask the latter to
provide you with the necessary authorization (authorization object
<DS:UO.M_KONA_ORG>M_KONA_ORG</> for supplier rebate arrangements in

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.