Requested customizing of &1 is not allowed under current conditions.

Message type: E = Error

Message class: FTGL -

Message number: 070

Message text: Requested customizing of &1 is not allowed under current conditions.

What causes this issue?

The requested customizing of selected Feature Toggle is not allowed
under the current conditions.
The following cases may apply:

The system issues an error message and will not allow you to continue with this transaction until the error is resolved.

- The Feature Toggle has release status 'D' (in Development): Activation
in a productive client or a customer environment is not allowed. Check
system type and client role.
- The attribute 'System Wide' is set for the selected Feature Toggle and
the release status is different from 'D' (In Development): Activation of
any client/user restrictions is not allowed.
- The Feature Toggle has release status 'P' (Beta Test): Activation in a
productive client is not allowed.
For Feature Toggles with release status 'P' (Beta Test) and attribute
'System Wide' set: Activation is not allowed at all in case there is at
least one productive client in the system.
Check client roles.
- Transportable customizing exists for the Feature Toggle in at least
one of the selected clients: Activation of restrictions for this client
is not allowed.
You may use transaction FTGL to check the existence of transportable
customizing for a Feature Toggle.

System Response

How to fix this error?

Procedure for System Administrators

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.