The currency type has been changed in all ledgers for company code &1.

Message type: E = Error

Message class: FINS_ACDOC_CUST - Unified Journal Entry - Customizing

Message number: 206

Message text: The currency type has been changed in all ledgers for company code &1.

What causes this issue?

The currency type of the controlling area has been added as
<DS:DE.FINS_CURTYPE_K>global currency</> in all ledgers for company
code &V1&. This currency type has been set as second or third FI

System Response

In Customizing activity
<DS:TRAN.FINSC_LEDGER>Define Settings for Ledgers and Currency Types</>
, the global currency has been updated with the new currency type &V2& .
In these settings, the currency type &V2& has also been entered as
second or third FI currency.

The system issues an error message and will not allow you to continue with this transaction until the error is resolved.

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.