It is not allowed to invalidate the status entries for table &1

Message type: E = Error

Message class: CNV - Conversion: Messages for Conversion Services (CNCC)

Message number: 277

Message text: It is not allowed to invalidate the status entries for table &1

What causes this issue?

For table &V1& the status entries can not be changed manually. The
reason is that for this table no recovery program exist and according to
its settings can not be decided whether the status change is possible.

System Response

The process is cancelled.

How to fix this error?

Please try to restore table &V1& by using the troubleshooting activity
<DS:TX.CNV_00001_TS_RESTORE>Restore table contents</>. In case no
restore is possible, contact SAP for support.

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.